You are here: Sales > Creating Sales Orders > Specifics of a Sales Order > Cash Sales

recording payments on a sales order

When cash or credit card details are received at the time of sale they can be recorded in the Payments tab of the sales order.  Jiwa also provides integration with the Verisign Payflow Pro credit card payment gateway. The client will need to sign up for an account.  

Processing the sales order creates or updates a Cash Receipts batch with the payment information.  Activating the receipts batch then updates the debtor and General Ledger.  

Processing a sales order from the menu allows you to process the payments separately from the sales order by ticking the checkbox Process Payments Only.

System settings under Invoicing that impact what is posted when and where are as follows:

Payments can be entered directly into the Payments tab of the current unprocessed snapshot of a sales order or into the POS popup screen accessed from the Record menu provided it has been added to the menu.  The Process button in each payment line must be ticked for the payment to be updated into a Cash Receipts batch. This updating happens when the sales order is processed. Processing can be limited to processing Payments Only when run from the menu.  The specific payment types are entered into the Maintain Payments Type form.

Maintaining Payment Types

Recording Payments with a Sales Order

Adding POS Popup to the Menu

Using the POS Popup

Automatic Credit Card Verification

Copyright © 2012 Jiwa Financials. All rights reserved.

Maintain Payments Type

Recording Payments with a Sales Order

Adding POS Popup to the Menu

Using the POS Popup

Automatic POS Popup for Cash Sales

Automatic Credit Card Verification

System Settings and Setup

Process New Credit Card Payment

Crediting Credit Card Transactions